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    2021-01-25 13:22:56 51成人漫画下载數控 714
    About DecTek丨DecTek簡介 DecTek is one of Europe’s premier manufacturers of Domed Resin Labels, name badges and a range of specialist print products. They manufacture and supply printed items to many of the world's most famous brands reaching all parts of the globe from their manufacturing base in South Wales. DecTek是歐洲頂級的球形樹脂標簽、名牌和一係列專業印刷產品的製造商之一。DecTek業務遍布全球,向全世界許多著名的品牌製造和供應印刷品,其生產基地位於南威爾士。


    During these difficult times DecTek has recognised the importance of diversification and investing in the latest printing technology to extend their capabilities. This is supported by our latest digital cutting tables enabling dramatic product expansion to service both new and existing customers. 在現如今市場競爭激烈的困難時期,DecTek漸漸意識到產品多元化的重要性,並投資於最新的打印技術以擴展其門店業務能力。JWEI最新的數字51漫画网页版IOS污設備為DecTek的這一需求提供了極大的支持,並能實現個性化定製51视频成人版软件下载51漫画官网在线、完成來自51视频成人版软件下载的多樣化需求,這使得DecTek公司業務能夠急速擴展,以服務新老51视频成人版软件下载。
    DecTek installed a JWEI CB03II-1816-RM cutter and Canon Colorado large-format printer in February 2020 and has followed this with the installation of a second JWEI cutter with optional textile knife and Canon Colorado in November 2020.DecTek於2020年2月購入並安裝了JWEI CB03II-1816-RM數碼模切機以及佳能Colorado打印機 ,並在2020年11月安裝了第二台JWEI數碼模切機(帶飛刀工具)及Canon Colorado打印機,生產設備的日臻完善成熟,使得DecTek的整體運營管理也漸入佳境。

    (注:圖為JWEI CB03II-1816-RM數碼模切機,廣告後道51漫画网页版IOS污設備)

    To kick off their 2021 investments Mike Beese the Managing Director of DecTek placed an order for a JWEI LST03II-0806-RM cutter as part of a planned investment in short run digital packaging.依托於公司2021投資規劃,隨著JWEI設備的引進而帶來的新業務機會的不斷拓展,DecTek的總經理Mike Beese又訂購了JWEI LST03II-0806-RM數碼模切機,作為小批量數字包裝圖文行業投資計劃的一部分,至此,DecTek已向JWEI訂購了三台數碼模切機。

    注:圖為JWEI LST03II-0806-RM數碼模切機(圖文行業送切收流水線)

    DecTek順應市場 革新突破Mike Beese said “Our increased product development has seen us diversify into a wide variety of markets. Whilst the current market conditions are difficult, we have not accepted that we cannot change and adapt, this is now the vanguard of our growth strategy. JWEI and their team have become an integral part of our vision and we look forward to a long and rewarding parentship.”Mike Beese表示:“產品開發能力的不斷提升,使51成人漫画下载開拓了市場。盡管當前的市場整體形勢仍然艱難,但51成人漫画下载不得不改變自我從而去適應這種情況,順應市場、革新突破——這是51成人漫画下载企業不斷強大的驅動力。51成人漫画下载團隊已成為51成人漫画下载DecTek未來發展不可或缺的一部分,51成人漫画下载期待達成共贏的長期合作。”DecTek攜手JWEI  開啟智切新時代 The JWEI series offers an impressive range of cutting tables that start with the JWEI LST03II-0806-RM that comes with automatic paper loading and unload as standard. An ideal choice for the Digital Print market such as Cannon, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, Xerox and HP Indigo, SRA3 and B2 Litho Presses looking to enter the short run digital print market. JWEI提供了一係列令人稱讚的數碼模切機,比如JWEI LST03II-0806-RM,該圖文模切機配備了自動進出紙等智慧功能,使得生產十分智能化高效化,這款數碼模切機能匹配諸如Cannon(佳能),Konica Minolta(柯尼卡美能達),Ricoh(理光),Xerox(施樂)和HP Indigo(惠普),SRA3以及B2激光機等多品牌機型,協同運作,共同為小批量數碼印刷市場服務。 51成人漫画下载智切  讓一“切”簡單 For the Wide Format Print market cutting tables are available from 1.1 x 1.3 up to 3.0 x 3.2 meters. JWEI數碼模切機的大小尺寸範圍從1.1 x 1.3至3.0 x 3.2米,滿足各種各樣的印刷市場需求。 With an automatic precision cutting tool, the exact cutting depth can be achieved quickly, precisely and efficiently. 使用自動化精密切割工具,JWEI數碼模切機可以實現快速、精確和高效地51漫画网页版IOS污材料。 Supplied as standard with all JWEI cutters is a high resolution registration camera which ensures cutting printed jobs accurately to register. 所有JWEI數碼模切機均配備了高分辨率的定位相機,可確保精準定位、切割打印材料。 A range of specialty tools are supplied with each cutter, these tools offer speed, power and flexibility to handle a wide variety of materials, such as corrugated, folding carton, solid board, foam, coating blankets, textiles, carpet, MDF and a long list of plastics. JWEI每台數碼模切機都配備了一係列專業工具,這些蘊含了JWEI幾十餘年行業應用經驗及擁有高速度、高效率、靈活性的工具,使得51漫画网页版IOS污從未如此簡單,其可以應用於51漫画网页版IOS污多種材料,例如瓦楞紙,折疊紙箱,實心板,泡沫板,橡皮布,紡織品,地毯,MDF和各種塑料......


    Mr.Peter, Managing Director comments "We have built a fantastic relationship with the DecTek team and are very proud to be a pivotal part of their growth strategy. Both JWEI cutters are running 12-14 hours a day, seven days a week. With the latest JWEI installation including a textile cutting option producing face masks, floor rugs and entrance rugs, so customers can display their Covid situation on a branded product”. 51成人漫画下载合夥人Peter總經理表示:“51成人漫画下载與DecTeK團隊建立了良好的合作關係,51成人漫画下载為成為其未來發展的重要夥伴而感到自豪。51成人漫画下载的JWEI數碼模切機每周工作7天、每天運行12-14個小時之多,為產品智能化生產發揮了很大作用。JWEI的最新刀具應用還可生產一係列紡織品,例如口罩,地板地毯及進口地毯等,因此51视频成人版软件下载可以在一定程度上通過產品解決近期的新冠肺炎疫情狀況”。

    (注:圖為JWEI 數碼模切機51漫画网页版IOS污口罩)
